A downloadable soundtrack
Arts;Visual: Draughtsman Painter (academic; magister) TimeBasedMedia /Video /Animation (collage: handdrawn/ /computer+Graphics /found (or rather) /forgotten filmstock vladimirisailovic.wordpress.com
Lecturing: GameDesign (analog; digital; BCI) DigitalMedia (theory; narrative; applied) --also-- (ideological frame) Game-as-Art (-Work; -Medium; -Genre?) --> sub: Gaming=PoliticalTools visailovic.itch.io
Music: Vocals/Guitars &Synthetics DarkFolk / SchlägerWave kappaBrando
kappabrando/// Aesthetics
Vladimir M. Isailovic << kappa_brando >> MissionStatement(2023): translatingLyric(s)+ (Re)arrangingMelodiez (Traditional/ Acoustic-to- (Abstract/ Electr(0n)ic /Synthetix -and-back)) of certain exemplary Specimen of european musical heritage (folk, minnesang, trouve'ere) (traditional,(pre)modern) (range: city-and-village) (eg. fado/ sevdah/ love-death-struggle...) (...urban ballads) inspiration ranging (lyrica): "LordRandall" to LeonardCohen (and NickCave, both (poetica) (and (melodica) (organica) Einstürz.Neubauten).
Status | In development |
Category | Soundtrack |
Author | visailovic |
Tags | Atmospheric, Dark, Experimental, Folklore, Music |